Athlete's foot is a skin infection caused by a fungus. It usually occurs between the toes or on the soles of the feet. It usually attacks feet because shoes have a warm and humid environment, giving fungus a great home.
It is called Athlete's foot because athletes are prone to get it. However, it can also occur in anyone who is often barefoot and around damp surfaces.
To have your athlete's foot checked and treated, get in touch with the qualified doctor at Carol A. Akerman, DPM.
today for an appointment with an experienced podiatrist.
The fungus that causes athlete's foot can keep recurring for long periods of time. It is important to seek medical attention for treatment.
To prevent the fungus, good foot hygiene is needed. Wash feet thoroughly and dry carefully. It is helpful to use foot powder in your shoes daily. For treatment, there are medications that work well to help control fungal infections.
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